Each week in this sermon series and podcast, we look at a different aspect of Jesus' life, identity, self-understanding, and purpose. Our goal is to move beyond the hot takes to the historical sources, to find out if it really is possible to see who Jesus is.

Resources for Further Study

Books on The Historical Jesus

Richard Bauckham, Jesus: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford University Press, 2011)

John Dickson, A Doubter’s Guide to Jesus: An Introduction to the Man from Nazareth for Believers and Skeptics (Zondervan, 2018)

Books on The Historical Reliability of the Gospels

F.F. Bruce, The New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable?, 6th ed. (Eerdmans, 1981)

Richard Bauckham, Jesus and the Eyewitnesses: The Gospels as Eyewitness Testimony, 2nd edition, (Eerdmans, 2017)

Podcast episodes

Undeceptions Podcast, Jesus Quest