
Galatians: Your Story, God's Glory

Galatians is all about one big question: What is the gospel? The trouble is, that's a contested question in our culture. Getting the truth about something is a tricky endeavor in our society. Many feel that it's difficult, if not impossible to access objective reality. But that's why the Bible, and Galatians in particular, is so helpful and so unique. This week, the apostle Paul offers us both an historically objective basis for the truth of the gospel, as well as a personally subjective experience of the gospel.



Galatians: A Tale of Two Gospels

In our late modern culture, truth claims about God are automatically suspect. We are much more comfortable saying that there are multiple truths, and therefore multiple ways to connect to God. But in this passage, not only does the apostle Paul show us the impossibility of that, he dramatizes for us the radical nature of the gospel that shows us not just how to connect to God, but how that connection can bring us the love, comfort, and security our hearts long for.



Galatians: The Great Rescue

Paul's letter to the Galatians is one of the most important books in the Bible. At stake is the very definition of the gospel itself. What is the gospel? What does it mean to be a Christian? Do you need to believe in all that supernatural and doctrinal stuff? Or is it enough to simply follow the ethical teachings of Jesus? Throughout the letter, Paul answers these, and many more, questions. In these first 5 verses, he lays out the two main themes that will dominate the rest of the letter. And if we hear what he's saying here, we can lay hold of the explosive power of the gospel for ourselves.



Gospel of Mark: The Tomb

It's common in our modern, scientific age to think of the resurrection as nothing more than a wonderful symbol of hope and renewal. The problem is, our deepest longings are for more than just a symbol of love, justice, goodness, beauty, and truth. We long for the real thing! We want more than just a metaphor or symbol. We want a truly healed world. Amazingly, if we learn to understand what the resurrection really means, we can actually find it. This passage shows us how.



Gospel of Mark: The Revolutionary

For the first time in the gospel of Mark, Jesus is in this passage called "the King of the Jews." It's no coincidence that this title is used during his encounter with Pilate, the Roman governor. This story gives us a fascinating window into the relationship between Jesus and politics. If you want a better understanding of just how Christianity relates to the world at large and politics specifically, this is one of the best places to look.


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Gospel of Mark: The Witness

What does it mean to live a life of integrity and internal coherence? How do you stand up for truth and justice, especially when it is costly? Even more than that, how do you stand in allegiance to Jesus when it is costly? In this passage, we see that both Jesus and Peter are on trial. Their different responses teach us valuable lessons about where we find the resources to become the people we know we should be.

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Gospel of Mark: The Garden

What do you do when there’s a conflict between something you really want and something God commands you to do? Or, if you’re not a Christian, but you’re investigating it, what do you do when you’re exploring the claims of Christ and you encounter something that challenges the way you want to live or something you believe? This passage has a lot to show us about that, because that is exactly what Jesus wrestles with in this agony in the garden.

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Gospel of Mark: The Supper

In the weeks leading up to Easter, we're looking at the events leading up to Jesus' death from the gospel of Mark. Each week we're seeing how each one of these events shows us something about how Jesus is not just our example, he's our substitute. This week we look at the institution of the Lord's Supper. It's easy to think of this as a mere ritual, a sentimental ceremony that Jesus gives us to remember him by, but with little deeper significance or impact on our lives. In reality, Jesus is giving us a profound and life-changing understanding of his death, and a practice that has lasting power to change us if we take it deeper into our lives.


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Gospel of Mark: The Temple

The "cleansing of the temple" is one of the most famous episodes in the life of Jesus. Popularly, it gives us an image of Jesus the "radical." Indeed, he's being very radical here. But not in the way we might initially think. Especially when viewed side by side with the story of the fig tree, this passage shows us something incredibly important about the deepest needs of our heart, and how Jesus moves powerfully and sacrificially to provide that need.

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Gospel of Mark: The Servant

If you ask people the question, "Why did Jesus die?" you'll get many different answers. Especially in our culture, it's common for people to think of Jesus' death on the cross as an example of sacrificial love. But to see it as a substitutionary sacrifice for sin on our behalf is increasingly rejected. But what did Jesus himself think about his death? Is it possible to find out? In this passage, and for the rest of the gospel of Mark, we will take a look at what Jesus said and taught about his death, and see how he was not just our example, but our substitute.



Gospel of Mark: As Good As It Gets?

When we think about poverty, it's easy to think only in material/economic terms. Very rarely, if ever, do we think there might be other forms of "poverty." In this passage, Jesus challenges us all to ask the question: "What is your greatest treasure?" But even more than that, he challenges us to consider that our pursuit of that treasure actually makes us poorer as a result. This week, we welcome guest preacher Dr. Vince Bantu to help us see all that Jesus has to show us here.



Gospel of Mark: The Glory of the King

As the gospel of Mark moves along, things become progressively darker. At this point, Jesus begins his journey to Jerusalem, and, hence, to suffering, crucifixion and death. Things are getting dark. But right in the middle of the darkness comes the Transfiguration. The Transfiguration is one of the most famous, and mysterious, events in the life of Jesus. And when we understand what it's really showing us, it becomes one of the most precious and powerful resources we have for facing the darkness of our own lives and the darkness of the world.



Gospel of Mark: The Delays of the King

Experiencing the delay of our most deeply cherished dreams can be on of the most painful and disheartening struggles we can go through. This passage explores God's timing versus our timing. But it also shows us how God deals with an even bigger struggle and an even deeper pain.



Gospel of Mark: The Power of the King

The gospel of Mark revolves around two huge questions: Who is Jesus, and what does it mean to follow him? This passage offers some of the most life-changing and powerful answers to those questions. And they are life-changing answers precisely because they are all about the power of Jesus.



Gospel of Mark: The Paradox of the Kingdom

We all know "the way things are" is not "the way things are supposed to be." And one of our most powerful yearnings is to see the world become the place we know it's meant to be. But what does that look like? How does it happen? Is it even possible? In this passage, Jesus answers our questions by teaching us many surprising and wonderful things about "the Kingdom of God."



Gospel of Mark: True Healing

This is one of the most famous healing stories in the gospels, and it's also one of the most startling. The things Jesus does and says here have confused and shocked people across the centuries, and for good reason. In this narrative, Jesus challenges us to consider what is the deepest need of our hearts and lives, and where the fulfillment of that need comes from.



Gospel of Mark: Following Jesus

One of the biggest questions in every heart is: “Do I matter? Does my life make a difference?” The story of Jesus calling his first disciples is a direct answer to that question. Not only did his call transform their lives, it changed the world and history. By understanding and responding to his call, it can change our lives also.



Gospel of Mark: In The Wilderness

Who is Jesus - really? Why did he come, what did he do, and why does it matter? The Gospel of Mark is the first eyewitness account of the life of Jesus, and one of the best places to look for answers to these questions. Find out who he really is, and how getting connected to the real Jesus is the only way to find a truly transformed life.



All Things New

What is God's answer to the biggest problems of the world? The harsh realities seem to stare us in the face, and it can be hard to know how to face them, much less how to make any kind of difference. But if we learn to see what the first Christians saw in the last two chapters of Revelation, we can get a living hope that not only enables us to face suffering and evil, but to live meaningful lives of good in this world.


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The Dawn Of Grace

Understanding Christmas means understanding grace. But understanding what grace really means holds many surprises for us. If we listen to the message the angel had for Mary, we come not only to a deeper understanding of grace, but also how we should respond to it.

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